Saturday, November 8, 2008

Continually challenge yourself

Whether it is a slight twinge of doubt, or a life threatening fear or phobia, we all need to grow some balls at some point. That’s one of the purposes of this blog….to inspire you to challenge yourself. Identify your fears and take action to overcome them. If you don’t challenge yourself daily, life tends to become more difficult. Zig Ziglar says “the tougher we are on ourselves, the easier life becomes; the easier we are on ourselves, the tougher life becomes.” Grow some balls and find a challenge that is beyond your recent accomplishments. Work everyday to be better than the day before!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our nation grew some balls....

Our country grew some balls last night. It doesn’t matter what your political persuasion is, the nation supposedly founded on “all men are created equal” has finally lived up to its potential. We have taken a giant step forward in showing our confidence as a nation, our confidence in ourselves, and our confidence in a trail blazing African American named Barack. Who would have ever thought that the same country that could elect George Bush 8 years ago (and again 4 years ago), would have the guts to do the right thing in disregarding race and in a landslide elect a man that only 8 years ago would have likely been unelectable? Charles DuBois may have said it best when he said “the important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” America grew some balls and in the process has crossed a threshold. If for no other reason, I am optimistic about the future.